#NotBaconBitsAdvent - Day 17: From Matt Black & the Doodlebugs to...

Yesterday on the #NotBaconBitsAdvent calendar we played Matt Black & the Doodlebugs, so what song did you link to for Day 17? @STBwrites gets all emosh ...

Find the rest of the #NotBaconBitsAdvent calendar here

As always for #NotBaconBits, once you've listened to today's choice, we're looking for your suggestions for tomorrow's track. Join in by tweeting us your suggestions @albiemediaAM with the #NotBaconBitsAdvent hashtag or adding your suggestions in the comments of our #NotBaconBitsAdvent Facebook or Instagram post every day - remember the link can be as simple or contrived as you want, in any music genre (it doesn't have to be classical or pop) and you can link to anything about the song - the title, the artist, words in the song, something about the video ... anything as long as you can explain how you got there and show your workings. 

BUT REMEMBER for the #NotBaconBitsAdvent Calendar there must ALSO be a festive link of some sort AS WELL! Whether it's something in the name of the song or band/singer, or it was a Christmas number one, or that it mentions something festive like snow or fairylights or whatever, we're looking for a DOUBLE LINK this time around.

If we pick your suggestion for the next song link in the chain, you'll get the credit in that day's article and shout outs on our social networking streams.

Day 17 already?! Maybe better start the shopping soon, eh? To distract you from all the panic, here's @STBwrites #NotBaconBitsAdvent very smooth and soulful connection suggestion for today...

"Take the Black from the Matt, remove the punk and go with The Emotions and Black Christmas."

Ahhhhhhhh. Now, time for you to get the thinking caps (warm and woolly of course) on and come up with a linked festive song for tomorrow... what will you link to? Emotions? Stax Records? Girl groups? Let us know...

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