SotD - #NotBaconBits: From Cry Me A River to...

Yesterday we had the #NotBaconBits connection of Alison Moyet’s version of Cry Me a River. Susan Omand shows her working and comes up with today’s grand finale (for now)...

There’s no point in me even trying to pretend this was a happy accident. I’ve known where I wanted to end up today ever since the start of the week and it took many long hours, much Youtube research and loads of scribbling out ideas to get it to work, so sorry if your connection suggestions weren't used this time. HOWEVER, when we bring back #NotBaconBits in January, it won’t be a fix at all because there won’t be an end point that I need to get to and, with your help and suggestions by tweeting us with the #NotBaconBits hashtag, the connections will just go on, and on, and on and...

Anyway. Cry Me a River. That beautiful song was performed by Julie London on the soundtrack for V for Vendetta and.... ah, see, NOW you realise where I’m going with this. Yes it’s Guy Fawkes Night, so we need the 1812 Overture from Tchaikovsky. Vendetta style.

“Tell me. Do you like music, Mr Finch?”

#NotBaconBits returns in January to pick up where Tchaikovsky left off. We need your suggestions!

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