Podcast - WTAW Revisited: Footloose

With no new Was This Always Weird podcast this week, we go back through the mists of time to revisit episodes from years past... This time, from June 2016 and with some NSFW language, Cody Dearing and Matt Stoner cut loose on Footloose...

Read Stuart Mulrain's review of the film itself here.

A teenager from Chicago moves to a sad small town that has outlawed dancing in an attempt to put an end to the havoc dancing wreaks.

Taylor Stewart brings her perspective as a dance instructor to help Cody & Matt understand a movie about how sometimes it takes a hated outsider to help a town realise that an insider had been the problem all along...that along with their small town minds and hatred of outsiders.

Find more WTAW Weirdness at their website at http://wasthisalwaysweird.libsyn.com/

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