SotD80 - David Essex

Inspired by our series of articles looking back at music released 30 years ago, Jimmy Hunter takes a step further back in time to give us a Song of the Day 1980. This week, he's on a Silver Dream Machine...

Now listen, although it was my mother who bought this record, I did actually like it. Well it was disco-ish. And I did actually like the singer, rather a lot actually. However, admitting to liking this record would never have occurred to me as it would’ve been deeply, deeply uncool. I was never “cool” but I never wanted to appear otherwise.

This week’s choice is Silver Dream Machine by ol’ sparkly blue eyes himself, David Essex. Now if you think the record is bad I suggest you watch the film for which it was written: Silver Dream Racer. A film that actually has a deal of British talent in it and that’s a great shame as the film itself displays no talent at all. Perhaps my colleagues at The DreamCage would like to review it sometime [any takers, Dream Team? - Ed].

Back to the record. Ok I’ll admit, it’s crap and I have no idea why I like it. None whatsoever but it gets my toe tapping. No, I’m not a pushover for the merest hint of a Moog [aye, right – Ed] and the lyrics are dire but there is a hook in there. Perhaps it’s David’s voice that’s the hook, though I think the breathy-sexy sound is well overdone here. And that’s a shame too as I do like his voice, even now.

The clip I’ve chosen is a live performance from the superb Kenny Everett TV Show introduced by the wonderful Sid Snot and in it you’ll notice David’s:

· a) impossibly tight jeans

· b) ridiculously over the top come hither looks to the camera

and both of the above points reflect my comments on his voice.

However, have a look and judge for yourself and if this doesn’t make you want to stay in and self-isolate, nothing will.

Image - Amazon

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