News - Terry Gilliam Lights Up Edinburgh

Terry Gilliam is not just tilting at windmills as he is set to unveils a new public art installation in Edinburgh...

The highly acclaimed film maker will reveal a 10-metre long illuminated neon quotation from Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote on Jeffrey Street in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town on Friday 11th February as part of the Words on the Street project being run by Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trust, celebrating the power great books have to inspire great artists and Edinburgh’s strength as a centre for books and publishing.

Gilliam, whose autobiography Gilliamesque was published by Edinburgh publishers Canongate Books last year, is famed for citing Don Quixote as a major influence on his life and work. The autobiography details his fascination with Cervantes’ Don Quixote, which sent Gilliam on his own mission to make it into a film, currently an ongoing, and long anticipated, project titled The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. You can find out what bossman Steve thought of the documentary around the film, Lost in La Mancha, on our sister site at /Garbage-file HERE.

When asked why he chose that particular quote, Terry Gilliam confirmed “I chose that quote because it represents the heart of my 25 year cinematic quest, which I am still on, to make The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.”

The Director of Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trust said: "It’s fantastic to have Terry Gilliam working with us and sharing his love for Don Quixote with the people of Edinburgh. This is truly unique way to mark Valentine’s Day, and the perfect way for this City of Literature to celebrate its amazing publishing heritage."

Edinburgh is the first designated UNESCO City of Literature in the world and you can find out more about all their projects on their website.

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