#NotBaconBits - From Dire Straits to...

Yesterday we played Dire Straits, Money for Nothing and Steve Taylor-Bryant gets sly with today's #NotBaconBits...

As always for #NotBaconBits, once you've listened to today's choice, we're looking for your connection suggestions for tomorrow's track.

Join in by tweeting us @albiemediaAM with the #NotBaconBits hashtag or adding your suggestions in the comments of our #NotBaconBits Facebook posts. It's like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon but with music - remember the link can be as simple or contrived as you want, in any music genre (it doesn't have to be classical or pop) and you can link to anything about the song - the title, the artist, words in the song, something about the video ... anything as long as you can justify it. If we pick your suggestion for the link, you'll get the credit in that day's article and shout outs on our social networking streams.

Here's Steve's Link: "Sting on a Dire Straits song? That was pretty cool. Sting was part of The Police. The police often get involved in superhero shenanigans and Sting did the theme tune to a film that sounds like a superhero name, but it wasn't. It was a sci-fi action comedy that saw Stallone blow shit up. Demolition Man..."

Image - Amazon

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