Christmas in July - Feliz Navidad

Susan Omand hates Christmas. So she thought why wait until December when the weather is rotten, shops are crowded and kids are annoying when you can get the "joy" of Christmas all over and done with in July - also when the weather is rotten, the shops are crowded and the kids are annoying...

Or, since we have Feliz Navidad in our Festive Selection Box today, thanks to the far-too-talented David Ames (re-christened for today as Feliz Navidavid),

Susan Omand odia la Navidad. Así que ella pensó... well you get the idea. But, contrary to popular belief, Feliz Navidad as a song isn't actually that old in the grand scheme of things, having been written by the popular Puerto Rican singer/songwriter Jose Feliciano in 1970 using the traditional Spanish seasonal greeting for the chorus and an English language verse to create a gentle Christmas song that has been covered by everyone from Boney M to Pavarotti via the Hoff himself. It seems to be churned out annually in America, in very much the same way as Slade and Wizzard are in the UK, but I bet you've never heard it done quite like this.

Oh, and today is also Christmas in July day over on The DreamCage. Go wish them a Feliz Navidavid too.

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