Hallow-vent - Day 3: Plasma

It's DAY 3 of David Ames' Vampire themed Hallow-vent Calendar as he counts the days until our favourite spooky celebration of the year - HALLOWE'EN! Behind today's window is Plasma...

It was late one night while I was perusing the Amazon streamable library and I stumbled across a 2017 short film entitled Plasma. Starring Frederico Caldarelli and Elisabetta Girodo Angelin, the film follows a young man who is tasked with providing victims and, ultimately, sustenance to his vampire girlfriend. I can’t really talk too much about the plot because the film is literally only ten minutes long. What I can say is that it is reminiscent in content to Let the Right One In.

The one thing I can say is that, for a film with an obviously low budget, it is so much fun. The movie follows the boyfriend through his humdrum life of eating and brushing his teeth, doing his job, and yes…killing people for his girlfriend. I love how he seems more annoyed than disturbed about what he has to do. There is no dialogue in the movie but the music is more than appropriate. There is also a great deal of misdirection and in the end, we are left with a lovely little addition to the vampire genre. It is free to stream on Amazon Prime so check it out. It’s definitely worth it.

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