Feature - Educating Omand: Detention

It's not even half-term yet but we have received a letter regarding the education of our Ed...

To Whom it may concern.

It has been brought to my attention that Omand has been caught several times now doing maths in Mr Jones' class when she should have been listening to post-1980s music.

Therefore I deem it necessary for her to attend music detention until the end of the school year. This term's detention master is Mr Sambrook and his compulsory listening list is appended to this letter.

Please ensure that Omand attends regularly to further her music education and submits the necessary written reports to both myself and Mr Sambrook.

Prof Taylor-Bryant
Head of Department

Mr Sambrook's Listening List

Mogwai - Every Country’s Sun (read the review)

Oceansize - Effloresce (read the review)

Explosions in the Sky - The Earth is not a cold dead place (read the review)

Sigur Rós - ( ) (read the review)

The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (read the review)

Alcest - Kodama (read the review)

Cult Of Luna - Salvation (read the review)

Deftones - White Pony (read the review)
Jambinai - A Hermitage (read the review)

Meniscus - Refractions (read the review)

MONO - Requiem for Hell (read the review)

Sannhet - So Numb (read the review)

Tengil - Shouldhavebeens (read the review)

65daysofstatic - The Fall of Math. (read the review)

Please refer any further disciplinary issues to Mr Sambrook via the following portals:


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