Educating Omand - Year Two Curriculum

In an effort to further her musical education, Susan Omand has been set "homework" of listening to albums released after the 1980s that she has missed out on. Year Two sees the introduction of a new tutor...

Dear Diary

Year Two eh? Woohoo! I feel all growedy uppy and beclevered now. But with great cleveredness comes great responsibility. No, wait, that was Spiderman. Ah well. At least there's a new teacher to annoy this year - Mr Ames. He must be on one of these foreign exchange year things I think because he's from Americaland. I must admit I was expecting a lot more country & western music for this year's listening list because of that but it turns out that not every American is a cowboy. Which is a pity really because I'd looked out my old line-dancing stetson and everything.

Anyway, thanks to my excellent Year One foundation course from Mr Jones (and the detention I had to do for Mr Sambrook) I've even heard of a couple of the bands on this year's list so it will be interesting to revisit them with a more "educated" ear.

I'd better get on and do my first lot of screen class homework first though or Prof Taylor-Bryant will confiscate my maths book. Again. 

More soon.

Year Two Curriculum

Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing (read the review here)

Protest the Hero - Kezia (read the review here)

Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake (read the review here)

Damien Rice - O (read the review rant here)

August Burns Red - Leveler (read the review here)

Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent Places (read the review here)

Chiodos - Illuminaudio (read the review here)

This Wild Life - Clouded (read the review here)

Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV: Volume 1: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (read the review here)

Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World (read the review here)

The Dear Hunter - Act 1: The Lake South, The River North (read the review here)

Weerd Science - Friends and Nervous Breakdowns (read the review(ish) here)

Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends (read the review here)

Deftones - Diamond Eyes (read the review here)

A Day to Remember - Homesick (read the apathy filled review here)

Bring Me the Horizon - There is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen it. There is a Heaven, Let’s Keep it a Secret (read the review here)

Polyphia - Renaissance (read the review here)

Periphery - P2 (read the review here)

The Human Abstract - Nocturne (read the review here)

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