Film - Mission Improbable II: Day Thirteen

Mission Improbable

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to let David Ames' brain explode whilst thinking as he plays Mission Improbable: Day Thirteen...

In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave me some… 


That’s The Great Gatsby. 

Anyway, in my younger years when the world was fresh and I still played music to varying sized crowds with equally varying success, my friends and I developed a game to help pass the long hours waiting to arrive at a venue, or for a show to start, or for people to return after a trailer flew off the back of our van (yes this happened). This game, very reminiscent of 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon, consisted of nothing but our brains and vast stores of useless knowledge concerning films and actors/actresses. 

[Find out how to play David's original version of the game here - Ed]

Anyway, this game has held a special place in my heart for over a decade now, and so when I saw what was developing on The Dreamcage with Steve’s Mission Improbable series, I had to jump in. My goal was to hopefully pull this thing off without any help from the internet or outside sources. The nights were long, I was stuck quite a few times, but in the end, I escaped with only minor help (maybe three times). Unfortunately, I was given quite the list, including at least one person I had to see a picture of as I didn’t know them by name. 

What follows is the mad rambling excuse for me to abandon all other ventures and delve into my memory banks in hopes of culling the quarantine boredom with a little over-the-pond stars of my own.

Day 13.

From: Maggie Smith

To: Luke Perry

(My dad randomly told me about The Eagle Has Landed which actually helped me connect these two because…Luke Perry…WTF*)

Maggie Smith was a voice in Gnomeo and Juliet with Michael Caine…

Michael Caine was in The Eagle Has Landed with Donald Sutherland…

and Donald Sutherland was in Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Luke Perry

[* I really liked Luke Perry's work, especially The Beat Beneath My Feet, that's WTF - Steve]

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